Ensemble Signal's EMPAC-Produced Album Named By New York Times as Year's Best
The New York Times has selected Ensemble Signal's recording of Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians as one of the year's best classical albums. The project was recorded in its entirety at EMPAC back in 2011 and the group will be back to record more Reich this coming spring.
"REICH: ‘MUSIC FOR 18 MUSICIANS’Ensemble Signal; Brad Lubman, conductor (Harmonia Mundi). Steve Reich’s 1974-76 classic sounds newly radical in this homage from one of New York’s most vital contemporary music groups. Clarity is key, as rhythms collide and colors drift through the ears. In no other recording of this work is there such attention to timbre, such a sense of ceremony, such an intensity of transition. DAVID ALLEN"
Read the whole article here.