ἄσφαλτος — Metabolizing Time

Allie Wist
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 from 4–8PM
Studio 2

On view will be a 360-degree panoramic film and a participatory sensorium installation. The piece explores anthropocene geology and the mutual metabolism that occurs between landscapes and bodies. The artist considers toxins and materials that humans input into the earth for digestion across deep time, and how we ask our own bodies to process geologic materials (often for potential detoxification). The work situates asphalt as a kind of speculative future geology and suggests forms of intimacy with industrial detritus. The word asphalt (asphaltos, ἄσφαλτος) comes from the greek sphállō— “to fall, cast down." The installation acts as an open-ended communal feast, where guests are invited to consume edible clay and geologically-inspired foods.

small table outside set with bread, rocks, and asphalt

Image: Courtesy the artist.

Dates + Tickets

ἄσφαλτος — Metabolizing Time
Allie Wist
Wednesday 19
4:00 PM
July 2023

The installation is open from 4–8PM.

Presented By

Arts Department