Rosa Chávez

Rosa Chávez is a poet, artist, activist, and educator of K’iche ’Kaqchiquel Maya origin. Alongside work for theater, performance and video, Chávez has published the poetry collections Casa Solitaria (2005), Piedra Abaj’ (Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nueva York 2009/2019), El corazón de la piedra (Venezuela 2010), Quitapenas (Guatemala 2010), AWAS secretos para curar (Guatemala 2014) and Fanzine Abya Yala (Guatemala 2017).  Her work appears in various magazines, plays, memoirs and poetry anthologies in Latin America, Europe and the United States and has been translated into K'iche 'Mayan, English, French, German, and Norwegian, among others. 

Events and Residencies

Wednesday / March 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm

EMPAC Spring 2021

Rosa Chávez and Tohil Fidel Brito in conversation with Clarissa Tossin and Mariana Fernández
February 18–May 3, 2021

EMPAC Spring 2021