Leslie Vosshall

Leslie Vosshall

Bitten: Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People and not Others
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Studio 2

How are mosquitoes able to detect our presence? Leslie Vosshall, neuroscientist and head of laboratory at Rockefeller University’s Howard Hughes Medical Institute, will give an in-depth presentation on the origins and complexities of smell and its impact on behavior. Her talk will cover a range of topics from the physiology of our sense of smell to the history of perfume making, and will answer the age-old question, “why do mosquitos bite some people and not others?”

Dates + Tickets

Leslie Vosshall
Bitten: Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People and not Others
Wednesday 25
6:00 PM
April 2012
Event Type

